Tuesday, June 16, 2020

                                                       Yoga : A  helping hand in Personality development

 Humans are endowed with the capacity to evolve and resolve   efficiently. In this process he tries to understand, evaluate and improvise his traits. Personality is   one such trait wherein it comprises of a bunch of qualities that imparts an unique identity to an individual. It is comp odium of   behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental features that   outlines and makes an individual state his   specific existence. Hence   having  fair awareness regarding ones   personality is pivotal in growth and development of a person. The two terms ,growth and development are far from being mere   ornamental ,for the optimum surroundings and  desirable inputs are mandatory to achieve this massive goal.

Influential factors
Temperament, environment, and character  are the key  contributory points in the context of personality.To begin with,Temperament is  genetically determined trait that determine a   persons  approach to the world and how he  perceives the world. It is regarded as nature factor.
While  the Adaptive patterns in relation to  individual specific environment is the next cardinal component, it is often called nurture component. The Character component embarks upon emotional, cognitive, and behavioral patterns learned from experience . this factor dictates how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Interestingly  character  phenomenon is committed to continual change and evolution  throughout the span of  life, yet the lion share impact belongs to inborn traits and early life experiences.

Type A, Type B and Type AB are usually recognized  personality categories . Type A   persons are portrayed as  impatient, dominant , power loving, highly competitive, ambitious, aggressive. They are fond of deadlines, time oriented objective   focused   and having difficulty  in relaxing. They are passionately   committed   workaholics   and hate delays.
Type B individuals, on the other end   sphere of the spectrum are patient, relaxed, and easy-going,, They are not  influenced by sense of urgency. Happiness   quotient for them is not labeled as ambition or achievements. There is also a Type AB   combination profile for people who cannot be clearly categorized. Type A personality persons are considered as stress creators by Type B and fairly enough the Type A persons considers   Type B as lazy and disoriented.
The insight of ones personality type is probably the key to derive maximum benefits from the inherit  strong points of the personality and simultaneously there is pushing need to minimize the negative trends of ones personality. The importance of Yoga can be realized in particular juncture.
Yoga is a time tested   ancient philosophical and practical entity , consolidating  a quantum
 of values, attitudes and techniques, whose prime  object is the attainment of
enlightenment of self-knowledge. It has a   percolating impact   on the development of the individual   personality. It can be considered as conducive  general methodology for the growth of man towards enviable   outcomes. It   includes techniques useful for therapeutic applications in making man healthier.
The term conducive is to be highlighted since it is regular practice of yoga that aids in
building  up the personality at all levels, i.e. physical, mental, intellectual and emotional,
in persons and help in  realizing the capability of highest possible functional harmony in body and mind .
 One is groomed  to identify ones  own inner resources and  thereby draw and channelize  the  required energy    from ones inner self,  which puts an end to seeking source of motivation from outside  environment. It helps to enhance  self-awareness which in turn uplifts attention focus and concentration.
Yoga in a nut shell promotes    individual and social health, enhances physical health , empowers   mental  and emotional stability, deepens intellectual perfection, focuses on moral commitment and social accountability, It goes to the extent of extending spiritual gratification.

How does Yoga help in improvising personality traits?

                     The entre fabric of Yoga seems to wrap the theme of personality development
Astanga Yoga ;the eight limbs  of yoga ,the  systematic method of practicing Yoga are  efficient way of shaping an individual .Yama and Niyama are ethical and moral guidelines which serve as a manual for personal discipline and much needed desirable social behavior .The Asanas are stipulated physical postures which enhance the physical strength and stamina. Pranayama are as set  of conscious breathing patterns which invigorates the energy level at physical and psychological  sphere. Pratyahara is training to control and channelize sensual energy thereby upholding energy conservation. Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi  are meticulous training of higher mental faculties which helps in improving concentration,  memory ,intelligence and psychological stability and finally attaining bliss.
Panchakosa;The personality of a person can be understood and enhanced through the perception of Kosa as well. The concept of Kosa or sheath is another specialty of Yoga where we find    unravel ling from gross to subtle from   level
 The Annamaya kosa – the outer physical sheath   is subjected to massive manipulation through unhealthy food and improper habits. The Shad karma   are mechanisms consisting of  Dhauti,Basti,Neti, Nauli ,Trataka, Kaplabhati used to purify and detoxify the body. The practice of Asanastrengthen  and imparts lightness to the body. Thus a strong and healthy body   which is the foundation  of a solid personality is laid.
The Pranamaya kosa is the next inner sheath which serves the substratum of energy domain  . The regular practice  of  pranayama installs  control  of breath and subsequent  control of thought and emotions. Pranayama serves as a route to provide energy even at the cellular level.Yoga brings control over breathing and that works effectively in increasing thepsycho-motor co-ordination. Yoga is a conscious process of gaining control over the mind and thus the concentration and attention span improve and hence both IQ and memory power enhance
Inner to pranamaya kosa lies Manomaya kosa , the domain of emotions  which is the focus station of Yoga as judicious control and channelizing the Manomaya kosa is the ultimate aim . The nurturing of postive emotions and dismantling and neutralizing the negative emotions  plays a pivotal role  in reshaping a fruitful personality .
The Vijnanamaya kosa the intellectual sheath is the   sector of judicious thinking, analysis and discriminative decision making. The meditative techniques and relaxation help in boosting this zone Cognitive performance is exponentially increased by meditation. Further  the practice of meditation significantly reduces self–rated perception  ns of anxiety and stress by mediators which in turn adds to improved decision making. The areas of attention, memory and arousal control, the ability to attend to relevant stimuli and recall information  are finely mentored by the systematic yoga sessions.
The Anadamaya kosa or the bliss sheath is horizon of  experiential eternal bliss
The practice of Yoga can help a person to achieve his or her full potential and
increase spiritual consciousness. Hence the practice of Yoga subsequently   percolates into  five kosa and marks its cult in each level, these intervention are cardinal in shaping the personality of the individual from the gross to subtle point.

 Shad chakra;The regular judicious Yoga practice works at the Chakra level as well. These are potent    functional whir pools of energy located  in  the body .The basic instincts being managed at Mooladhara,Swadhistana,Manipuraka  chakra and further evolved attitudes, behavioral traits are assembled at Anahat,Vishudi and Ajna chakra.
The propagation of skilled action or mastery over ones work (karma yoga) can be considered as another  contribution of yoga in path of personality development. Yoga  acts as deliberate mechanism to mould one personality such that the latent potentials are brought to the surface and individual has an opportunity to nurture them into fine masterpieces.

                            The inhibitory factors   such as overeating, talkativeness, undue exertion ,excessive adherence to rules, too much socialization  which act as inhibitory phenomenon in  achievement of perfection in Yoga  can be considered as  hindrances’ in goal achievement strategy  and simultaneously the promotive factors such as enthusiasm, courage, will power, discriminative  power, determination, and avoidance of over socialization can be considered as techniques favorable for target attainment and personality molding
                  Thus Yoga comprising of psychotherapy , posture training, breathing techniques, meditation and relaxation helps to attain  and maintain  state of physical, mental, social and spiritual well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity which is definition of health as per WHO. So we understand that practice of Yoga has direct bearing effect on positive personality temperament  In totality Yoga intends to gift a good physique, high energy and enthusiasm level, sound mind set, good decision making, heightened spiritual entity ,all these together create a virtuous  human who is undoubtedly happy, contented with himself and would prove to socially useful and accountable.

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