Ayurnutrigenomics: A step towards
personalized nutrition
Nutrigenomics establish the influence of nutrients and other bioactive
food components on gene expression and gene regulation. Recent availability of
human genome sequence and the cataloguing of human genetic variations, can
identify specific polymorphisms linked to altered risk of disease or
sensitivity to diet. Information on the genetic order of polymorphic markers
will provide powerful molecular tools to decipher the role of nutrition in
human health and disease and helps to define optimal diets. Nutrigenomics
provide specific dietary recommendations on the basis of genotype of
Ayurnutrigenomics is the systematic integration of
nutritional practices according to Ayurveda in relation to the Prakriti of an
individual, which amalgamates information from genomics, proteomics, and
metabolomics for the advancement of personalized nutrigenomic dietetics
Prakriti represents the basic principles of Ayurveda
having great impact on predictive medicine and it is the corollary of comparative
proportion of tridoshas. In Ayurveda, selection ofsuitable dietary, therapeutic,
and lifestyle regime is made on the basis of assessment of Prakriti. Prakriti
is not only genetically determined (shukra sonita) but also influenced by
environmental factors (maha bhuta vikara) like maternal diet and lifestyle
(matura ahara vihara) and age of the parents (kala garbhasaya)
Prakriti and genome
The identification of genomic link to the theory of
prakriti led to a search for possible classification of people on their prakriti
based on their genetic makeup. A significant correlation between various
alleles of HLA genotype and prakriti providing preliminary experimental support
for the concept of association between HLA polymorphism and individual prakriti
types. Association between prakriti and gene related to drug metabolism such
asCYP2C19 have been drown out, where the genotype related to extensive
metabolizer genotype was associated with pitta prakriti ,while the poor
metabolizer genotype was highest in kapha prakriti . On searching for links of
prakriti and genotypes is the need of the hour to bridge the gap between
Ayurveda and current sciences with the development of common vocabulary.
Assessment of prakriti through genotype mapping is a method of objective
assessment of prakriti
Prakriti and Personalized nutrition
Prakriti can be
considered as phenotypes that have distinct link with particular genotype.
Through prakriti genome correlation studies possibility of identifying specific
genotype linked to a particular prakriti is approaching. Thus it can be
anticipated in near future genotype ascertainment in new born itself can be
used as a predictive marker for prakriti
Detection of prakriti
at the time of birth have far reaching implications. Knowing the prakriti of
newborne can lead to adption of suitable dietary practices
from early childhood onwards which will result in prevention of diet
related chronic disease. This is the way in which prakriti based diet plays its
If a specific genotype is identified related to a
particular type of prakriti, the concept of gene specific diet can be taken to
authenticate diet according to prakriti.
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